Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

I Love You Heels ♥


Newspaper Nail Art

Things You'll Need :
  • Piece of newspaper
  • Base coat
  • Grey nail polish
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Cotton buds
  • Top coat
  • Nail polish remover
Steps :
1. Assemble all the items needed for preparing your nails. These are listed below under "Things You'll Need."

2. Apply a solid basecoat to protect your nails. Make sure to let it dry thoroughly.

3. Paint your nails in a light grey, nude, or light pink nail polish color. Let it dry thoroughly before doing the next step.

4. Take the rubbing alcohol.

-Pour a bit of rubbing alcohol into the cap or into a small jar.

- Dip each nail into the rubbing alcohol for about 5 seconds each.

5. Take a small piece of newspaper. Press it firmly on your nail for a few seconds.

- Peel it off carefully. You'll find that the ink from the newspaper will be left behind

- Get a cotton bud and some nail polish remover to clean up your nails.

6. Apply a topcoat to your nails. This is needed because without it, the newspaper will rub off. It also gives your nail some extra shine.

Tips :
  • You can find rubbing alcohol in drugstores, most supermarkets, and medicine cabinets.
  • Instead of painting your nails with light grey nail polish, you can also use a white color.
  • You can also use the comics section, or even the horoscope symbols, anything printed on newsprint will work the same.
  • You can also try dipping the newspaper in the alcohol instead of your fingers, sometimes this works better.
  • if you don't have rubbing alcohol, vodka works a treat!
Warnings :
  • Press the newspaper firmly on to your nail; otherwise, the transferring ink will be incomplete on your nails.
  • Fingernail Polish remover will not work in place of alcohol.


Water Marble Tutorial

Supplies: orange stick or toothpick, shot glass or cup (the smaller the circumference, the less polish you end up wasting), room temp. water, nail polish, tape (optional, but it helps with the clean up)

I like to begin by prepping my nails with base coat and one coat of polish. Here I used China Glaze Innocence for a nice neutral base.


1. Fill your cup with some warm or room temperature water. If the water is too cold, the nail polish will seize up.

2. Choose the polishes you want to work with; keep in mind the opacity of the polish you are using, if its too sheer, it might not look right.

3. I like to begin with the lightest color. Load up the brush and let a big drop of polish fall into the water. Continue with the other colors until you have a few concentric circles of polish in the water.

4. Using the toothpick or orange stick, drag through the polish from the edge toward the middle. Continue to drag the stick through the polish until you find a design that you think looks pretty.

5. Optional: tape around the edge of the nail to protect your finger from becoming covered with nail polish. Scotch tape works perfectly for this.

6. Holding your finger horizontally, dip your fingernail into the glass, making sure it is completely submerged.

7. Use the toothpick/orange stick to trace around your finger, gathering up all the unused nail polish in the glass.

8. Lift your finger out of the glass, and let dry before taking the tape off.

9. Continue with your other nails until you have a full set of beautifully water marbled nails.

10. Slick on your favorite top coat and Voila! All done!

Most importantly, have fun! As with any type of nail art, practice makes perfect, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t get it right the first time.

We would love to see pictures of all your water marbling attempts, so get dipping!

And I found the tutorial on youtube too :)
